A Powerful Weapon (II): Personal Testimony
Reflection: Luke 7:21-22
Do we proclaim the power and the greatness of God by telling those who care to know, what He has done for us? Personal Testimony is a powerful weapon that silences our accuser - satan, and destroys the works of darkness, when given with the right motive. It is our conviction, our confession, and what we believe God has done, and will do again. Revelation 12:11 is relevant to believers of today, as well - not only do we overcome satan with our testimony of Christ as the Bible says, we also build people’s faith and populate the Kingdom of God, when we testify of our life-changing experiences to highlight the merits of what Christ did for us on the Cross. As you testify, the Holy Spirit comes alongside to bear witness to what you are saying, by convincing people who have an open mind of their need for Christ.
Make it a point to testify of the goodness of God in your life, beloved. It does wonders! The love you have for others should compel you to bear witness to what God has done in your life, so that they can experience His goodness as well. Contrary to popular belief, the devil cannot steal your joy or destroy your blessings if you attribute them to God and share your testimonies with the right motive. It is very important that you showcase the awesome power of God when you share personal testimonies – not your strength, resources, or the vessels through whom God made things happen for you.
We hold back our testimonies sometimes, because we do not want to be judged as being showy or prideful. But let us remember that Christ gave us the commission to spread the Good News (The Gospel). Telling others what God has done for us is one of the ways we spread the Good News (Mark 5:1-20). Personal Testimony has always been very effective in spreading the Good News. Some people out there want to know what the Lord we believe and have so much faith in has done for us before they even listen to what we have to say to them about getting saved. This shouldn’t be a problem for us (1 Peter 3:15)! We are not to judge them. The goal is to give them the opportunity to receive the free Gift of Salvation and be privileged to have the life-changing experiences we have had.
God wants our commitment to testify and speak of Him, more than the resources and other things He has blessed us with. One of the reasons those are not as important to Him, is that He owns them all (Haggai 2:8, Psalm 50:12) and has the power to withdraw them at any time, to be transferred into the hands of those who will put them to good use for His Kingdom (Ecclesiastes 2:26, Job 27:16-17).
Testifying of the goodness of God (which exposes the lies of satan) also sustains our breakthroughs, blessings, and miracles. We position ourselves for more. A wise child continually shows gratitude for the good things he receives from a parent, in expectation of more (Luke 17:11-19).
Testifying of the awesome power of God could be as simple as this: Someone is struggling in an area of their life (for example).
Introduce Christ to them. Let them know He has the answer to the way out of their situation.
Tell them how you were in a similar situation and God saw you through it. Tell them how you have triumphed over adversities. Tell them how good God has been to you, and all you have experienced since you gave your life to Christ.
You have testified! Now, take it to the next level by telling them how to get saved, and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Then encourage and follow up on them. This person may or may not want to give your recommended solution a thought at first, but it is doubtful that they would reject it altogether after hearing your personal testimony.
To wrap this topic up: Let us keep in mind (as we testify) that it is not our place to condemn a sceptic who eventually surrendered to Jesus Christ on the basis of a personal testimony we shared with them, after everything else they tried failed them. Our responsibility is to lead unsaved people to Christ - not set the criteria for them to be saved beyond what is specified in the Bible. Jesus Christ will never turn away anyone who comes to Him to be saved (John 6:37). It is not uncommon for people to give up on options they thought were available to them, to look for a way out. Many of us were in their shoes before we got saved - an adversity we were faced with made us turn to Christ.
Testify and overcome again and again, beloved. Let others know they can also be victorious in Christ Jesus. You are blessed!