It is not wrong to desire to be successful for the right reasons. God is not against success (success in every sense - not necessarily materially). The truth really, is that He does not support laziness. This is made evident by His wondrous works. He expects us to be like Him - outstanding. Certain verses in the Bible also speak about laziness and its consequences.
God encourages us to be excellent at what we do, and bear fruit. He wants each of us to be a blessing to others. The devil, however, is not interested in good success, and will do anything to cut it short. One way he does that is to give a person Self-Made or Demi-god traits, by which the person fails to honour and acknowledge God in his ways. This is why many of those the world calls, "stars", shine for a while, and then go dim. The health of some failed them, while some left us too soon. Many of them are also struggling with addictions, and some have completely lost it. It was not meant to be so. You can shine for Jesus Christ, and continue to shine till it’s time to say, Good-Bye to planet earth.
You need Jesus Christ to sustain whatever it is that you have achieved, else it will disappear right before your eyes. The wolves (wicked ones) of the world will not let you enjoy it. Christ holds all things together (Colossians 1:17), and it is through Him that we have access to the Father, who gives blessings devoid of pain and suffering (John 14:6, Proverbs 10:22, James 1:17, Ephesians 2:18). Surrender all to Jesus Christ today, and begin to shine for Him!
Firmly in His Grip,
Deborah O Daniel (Toyin)