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"What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; and what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops." ~ Matthew 10:27

Deborah O Daniel (Toyin) is an Evangelist and a Christian Writer. She grew up in a strict, religiously confused household, but found Christ on her own, when it became clear to her that she had no relationship whatsoever with Him and had no purpose in life, in spite of her upbringing. Deborah surrendered her life to Christ in 1992 but kept running from her calling owing to the severe trials she faced and the cares of the world, until she had a personal encounter with Him years later. She steps out of her comfort zone as led to fulfil her calling. She also speaks openly about her childhood difficulties and the struggles she has had in life, to testify of the mercy of God and His awesome power. For more messages and a heart talk on living a fulfilled life in Christ, get the book, Walk the Winning Walk (English-British and English-American) here, offered for free by Divine Literature International, and available to Born-again Christians ONLY - particularly new believers.

This Blog is written in Standard British English for the benefit of international visitors. Style of Writing is casual and conversational!

  • Writer's pictureDeborah Toyin Daniel

Close Friends of God

God’s relationship with His close friends is deep. While those who are righteous through Christ understand and cherish this relationship, it will always be a mystery to unbelievers, the carnal, and the wicked. Abraham was loyal to God. He was very much obedient to God. The Bible speaks about him as, The Friend of God (James 2:23). God had a deep relationship with Abraham. In Genesis 18:17-33, He shared His plan with Abraham before He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. If you are a close friend of God, that is: You obey Him, please Him, and regularly spend time with Him, He can share deep and hidden things with you that can be used to your advantage, and for the good of the Body of Christ (Daniel 2:22). You will continually enjoy His presence in your life and be a living witness of His awesome power, and by that, lead others to Christ. 


What Makes a Person a Close Friend? A close friend is loyal to you. He hates what you hate and loves what you love. He does not want to let you down. A close friend defends you at all times. He trusts and believes in you. A close friend does not love you, just for the benefits he enjoys, being your friend. He loves you in good and tough times.

Are you a close friend of God, or still shaking hands with the devil? Jesus Christ said He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him (John 10:14). Assess your relationship with God now, and take steps to be a close friend, if you are not already one.



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