Hearing from Other Believers
God can use anyone or anything He chooses to get to us. He did the unimaginable and used a donkey to speak to Balaam (Numbers 22:28-33). Some believers miss out on messages specifically meant for them because of pride. Growing spiritually is a life-long journey - we keep progressing until our last day on earth. Spiritual maturity does not mean we have stopped learning and do not err sometimes. It only means that we have grown in our knowledge of God and taken steps to deepen our relationship with Him. It also means we are making progress in developing Christ-like attributes. These are all on-going processes; don't you think? We all, are Work in Progress!
Sometimes we look for treasures where they will never be found. God may have been trying to speak to us, but we may not have been looking in His direction. I was brought up in a Christian home - going to church, praying, reading the Bible, and wearing appropriate clothing, because one of my parents was a pastor in a traditional church; but I did not see the Light until I surrendered my life to Christ in my adult life. And this was after I left home. I grew up in a Christian home, but it turned out that I didn’t know Christ, and didn’t have Him, all along. I knew nothing about Salvation and the importance of having a personal relationship with Christ. All I knew was, Church!
Though I have grown tremendously, spiritually over the years, and am certainly not an infant in Christ, I still yearn for knowledge. I mentor others, but also tap knowledge from other vessels – and I intend to keep doing that. Proverbs 27:17 says, "Iron sharpens iron, and so, one man sharpens another".
You may miss out on information that is crucial to your spiritual growth if you do not humble yourself to receive from others. What God intends for you to know may not even be revealed through those you are around or familiar with. God can speak to you through good and bad experiences, a stranger, a mentor or a mentee, a spiritual leader or a person you are leading, a subordinate or your superior at work, a new convert, children (yes), and just about anyone He chooses. That said, we will not accept counsel from the wicked - there are no compromises on that, Amen.
Prayerfully open yourself to receive from vessels God may send your way. It may surprise you to know that it is not how long that brother or sister in Christ appears to have known the Lord or a religious title that matters when it comes to the things of God – only He knows the heart. He does as He pleases and cannot be questioned. May we be guided!
Deborah O Daniel (Toyin)