Deborah Toyin Daniel
Hearing from the Wicked
God can use anyone, and just about anything to speak to us. If you don’t believe that, then read Numbers 22:21-33. The Bible says there is a time to speak and a time to be quiet (Ecclesiastes 3:7). Attentiveness is a great quality to have. If you complement that with spiritual alertness, you can learn a few things from your adversaries (so to speak), but God will reveal things to you through them. Not just that; He can make them reveal what their own plan is for your life, as well, without them even realising it. He is known to turn wisdom to foolishness. God may also show you deep and hidden things if you learn to follow peace with all people and leave your battles to Him (Romans 12:19). With that said, He will not give you a revelation that you will misuse.
When I was still in the world, many years ago, I had an older friend – she was old enough to be my mother. She just took a liking to me (or so I thought). Unknown to me, she was an agent of darkness. I would run to her for counsel any time I had a problem, because I thought she had my interest at heart. I didn’t suspect a thing, as I had no one else to turn to, and was desperate for motherly love. I was a spiritual babe then, and didn’t know better; so, I trusted and accepted her counsel. I must say that this woman seemed to always have valuable counsel to give - which was strange for someone who was not in Christ. What I didn’t know was that her counsel was not from a pure heart. Well, didn’t the Bible make us understand that satan masquerades himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14)? I noticed each time I panicked and uttered a negative statement in fear, she would rebuke me and say, "Stop that, you don’t say such things with your tongue; that is self-destruction". She would warn me about people I should be wary of, who could harm me. At the time, I often wondered how she knew that much about my family, but she was right about the people she warned me about. It soon occurred to me that she was into occult practices.
One day, my older friend looked at me and said, "Hmmn; you know, there is something about you - you are an unusual person; you are a peculiar person". I didn't pay a lot of attention to what she said until a few years after. The wicked older woman knew better than the Deborah claiming to be born-again. Beloved, God is merciful to us, even when we seem to be straying away from the fold. It was a case of being in a lion’s den with the lions’ mouths shut. I was in the den but couldn’t be devoured (Daniel 6:16-22). OK; Let’s move on!
About two years later, my older unfriendly friend and I fell out. She then uttered her hidden evil plan for me, out of anger. It was too late for her, as I had gotten my act together and developed a closer relationship with God. Then, other things began to make sense to me: God loved me in spite of my rebellion and had kept me on the shelf for a purpose. He knew the only person I trusted and spent time with was this wicked woman. Perhaps He also had pity on me because I was naive, and my desperation for parental love was justified – I honestly won’t say I know this for sure; but what I do know is that He certainly wanted my life preserved; and so, He ensured to make her foolishly give me counsel that countered her evil plan for me. I sat down one day and imagined what would have become of me, and if I would still be alive today if she had taken advantage of my ignorance. To God be the Glory!
Deborah O Daniel (Toyin)