Last Minute Conversion - The True Befitting Final Goodbye
Reflection: Luke 23:39–43
It is worthwhile to make an effort to lead an unsaved dying loved one to Christ before they slip out of your fingers. Even a difficult, egotistic, or rebellious human being is weak and helpless in the last few days or hours of their life, especially when they know for a fact, that death is imminent. Chances are pretty good that they will listen to whatever you have to tell them at this stage of their life.
We may believe it is probably too late or pointless trying to lead an unsaved dying person to Christ. "They have lived a rebellious lifestyle, anyway", we say. "Perhaps they are suffering for their misdeeds", we think. But there is a reason the Lord is still giving them the privilege to breathe. It may not be to see them suffer for their sins as some of us may think, but to give them a chance to repent of the things they have done, acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and be forgiven. He is that merciful!
We are the most selfish people on earth, if we say we have Christ, but fail to make an effort to lead an unsaved dying loved one to Him, and then put in so much effort and resources into planning what we call 'a befitting burial' for them when they are gone; and added to that, await what the lawyers or solicitors have for us in their will. There is nothing more befitting for an unsaved loved one who is gone, than regrets and sadness for the person, now that it is evident that they won’t make it to Heaven, judging by the way they lived their life and neglected to make it right with God before they left. The greatest gift of love anyone could have given them is the opportunity to receive the Gift of Salvation.
An unsaved dying person certainly missed out on years of joy, peace, and all the other blessings they could have enjoyed if they had surrendered their life to Christ sooner. Nonetheless, Christ will not turn a person who has reached the end of their life, away, if they are willing to come to Him. The story of the thief on the cross next to Christ depicts the possibility of last-minute conversions (Luke 23:39-43).
With all that said, not everyone gets the opportunity for a last-minute conversion. Some people have had just a short time left to live and lost their chance to make it right with God to spend eternity with Him – while some died instantly and unexpectedly, some died sooner than expected. Don’t wait till the last minute to make an effort in bringing your loved ones to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now is the time of salvation!