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"What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; and what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops." ~ Matthew 10:27

Deborah O Daniel (Toyin) is an Evangelist and a Christian Writer. She grew up in a strict, religiously confused household, but found Christ on her own, when it became clear to her that she had no relationship whatsoever with Him and had no purpose in life, in spite of her upbringing. Deborah surrendered her life to Christ in 1992 but kept running from her calling owing to the severe trials she faced and the cares of the world, until she had a personal encounter with Him years later. She steps out of her comfort zone as led to fulfil her calling. She also speaks openly about her childhood difficulties and the struggles she has had in life, to testify of the mercy of God and His awesome power. For more messages and a heart talk on living a fulfilled life in Christ, get the book, Walk the Winning Walk (English-British and English-American) here, offered for free by Divine Literature International, and available to Born-again Christians ONLY - particularly new believers.

This Blog is written in Standard British English for the benefit of international visitors. Style of Writing is casual and conversational!

Writer's pictureDeborah Toyin Daniel

Luck vs Blessings

Reflection Exodus 20:3-6


A blessing is a favour, a gift, or anything bestowed by God for our well-being. Luck, on the other hand, is a non-Christian view of good or bad fortune, and closely connected with superstition and magic. Believing in Luck is the same as choosing to believe in random chance, thus eliminating God's influence in your life. A dangerous thing to do! Once we become followers of Christ, we are to reject the idea of Luck, and all activities to attract it, by all means. None of the following should be perceived as the determinant of a person's well-being:


  1. An unread Bible tucked underneath the pillow

  2. A cross on a gold/silver/metal necklace, good luck charms, etc.

  3. Pictures of long-haired Jesus and other scriptural portraits hung on the wall

  4. Scripture-worded stickers on the bumper of the car

  5. Praying to, or through saints, angels, and Mary mother of Jesus Christ.

  6. Praying to deceased relatives or invoking their names/spirit when we are faced with challenges

  7. Visiting the graves of deceased loved ones to make wishes

  8. Tossing coins into a fountain to make wishes

  9. Seeking zodiac signs predictions, and more


All good and perfect things come from Him (James 1:17). You became a partaker of those things when you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all righteousness, then all you need will be given to you (Matthew 6:33, Philippians 4:19). May we be guided.




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