Deborah Toyin Daniel
Preparing to Be a Useful Vessel
Reflection: Luke 12:42-48, Acts 9:1-21
Some of us perceive men and women of God and certain mature believers as saints from birth, who have always had it good; and never had a rough, troubled or rebellious past. Well, that is not always the case. I don't know about others, but I had a troubled and rebellious past. It is also a fact that all humans are born with a sinful nature. We are to learn from mistakes others have made, their tribulations, whatever they are honest enough to reveal about their lives before they met Christ, and never be intimidated or shy away from taking steps to also be in a position to be a useful vessel for God.
Jesus Christ died for all manner of sin and can use the most vicious person on earth for His Glory. He forgave, transformed, and used Saul of Tarsus - the one who was persecuting His disciples and other Christians (Acts 9:1-6, 20-22). Saul participated in the murder of Stephen (Acts 7:55-59, Acts 22:20). That Saul of Tarsus is the respected, much loved, and unrelenting Paul the Apostle in the Bible, who did exploits for the Lord.
The other misconception is to think that life is a bed of roses for men and women of God. I wish! Years back, as I was growing in the faith, I made a request to God for some of the spiritual gifts one of my spiritual mentors had. Afterall, the Bible says it is justifiable to desire the best gifts (1 Corinthians 12:28-31). This great man of God often gave personal testimonies to proclaim the power of God; so, he was telling us some of the very difficult things he went through and the personal sacrifices he had to make before the Lord found him worthy to be given certain spiritual gifts. I thought about them and quickly changed my mind about the gifts I desired. I said to myself, "Umm, not now Deborah, be careful what you ask for. The trials and tribulations you have gone through, and the ones you are currently faced with are just about enough for now".
Are you prepared?
It is a privilege to be an instrument in the hands of God. However, it is said that "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown". If you didn’t know, be informed now that, as genuine labourers in the Lord’s vineyard, we go through some tough situations that prepare us for our respective assignments. What’s more, we continue to bear certain burdens (to the extent that God allows) even as we occupy our different roles. This is why the Lord has His eye on us always. Not only does He expect a lot from us; He also guards us jealously.
On another note, not every believer is prepared, and not everyone aspires to be a labourer in the Lord’s vineyard. In that case, this message may not be for you. You are blessed, regardless!
Deborah O Daniel (Toyin)