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"What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; and what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops." ~ Matthew 10:27

Deborah O Daniel (Toyin) is an Evangelist and a Christian Writer. She grew up in a strict, religiously confused household, but found Christ on her own, when it became clear to her that she had no relationship whatsoever with Him and had no purpose in life, in spite of her upbringing. Deborah surrendered her life to Christ in 1992 but kept running from her calling owing to the severe trials she faced and the cares of the world, until she had a personal encounter with Him years later. She steps out of her comfort zone as led to fulfil her calling. She also speaks openly about her childhood difficulties and the struggles she has had in life, to testify of the mercy of God and His awesome power. For more messages and a heart talk on living a fulfilled life in Christ, get the book, Walk the Winning Walk (English-British and English-American) here, offered for free by Divine Literature International, and available to Born-again Christians ONLY - particularly new believers.

This Blog is written in Standard British English for the benefit of international visitors. Style of Writing is casual and conversational!

  • Writer's pictureDeborah Toyin Daniel

The Grievous Sin of Idolatry

One of the schemes that the devil uses to bring the elect down is Idolatry. God said nothing, and no one should be worshipped besides Him. He explicitly forbids it (Exodus 20:4-5). Some consequences of worshipping and serving creatures rather than the Creator are listed in Romans 1:21-32.


Idolatry goes beyond creating false gods and bowing down to them in worship. Let us look into a few examples of Idolatry.


Idolising Creatures


(1) Saints, Angels, Mary Mother of Jesus Christ


Saints, angels, Mary Mother of Jesus Christ and their images or statues are not to be worshipped. Mary was no doubt of impeccable character, and much loved by all Christians. However, she is not to be prayed to, petitioned through, or worshipped; likewise, saints and angels. Making images and pictures of God the Father, Jesus Christ, Mary, angels, saints in the Bible, and supposedly using them to connect to God is also a very common act of idolatry (Exodus 20:1-6). Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between God and man, beloved (1 Timothy 2:5).


(2) Religious Leaders


(a)  You may find yourself worshipping and serving a creature instead of the Creator, when you do not acknowledge that blessings come from God, and not the vessel through whom He gives them (James 1:17). This is so rampant today, as folks give credit to, and idolise mere mortals like themselves; and blindly give their all to support selfish and vain causes, just to please them. Thank God for the lives of those He has used to graciously bless you, but give Him alone the glory - not Him and the vessel (1 Peter 4:11).


(b)  A lot of well-meaning folks in the vineyard have also served their leaders with great zeal, thinking they were serving God. While some of these folks got used and dumped, some got swindled out of their possessions. Unbeknownst to them, their service was not unto God; and so, they missed out on His blessings, as He never acknowledged all they did.


(3) Self


We set ourselves up against God when we attempt to take His glory. God uses us in different capacities to be a Blessing to others and for signs and wonders, all for His Glory. We are not to direct attention to ourselves while we go about doing what He has called us to do. We are what we are, and have what we have by His grace. 


Modern Day Idols


Many people unconsciously worship idols, these days. One does not have to physically bow to an object or a person for them to become an idol. An idol is anyone or anything that takes the place of God in your life or is depended on more than Him. An idol could be some addiction (drug, alcohol, etc), money, an asset, your career, a portrait, your spouse, your children – just to mention a few. Prayerfully unseat the idol - be intentional about doing so.


Accepting Undeserved Worship


We may let our desire to be respected and admired for our gifts get the best of us, and unconsciously accept worship. Only God deserves to be worshipped, beloved. If saints and angels rejected worship, as recorded in the Bible, we should be quick to do so, as well.


  • A Saint Rejected Worship: When Peter entered, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshipped him. But Peter lifted him up, saying, “Stand up; I am only a man myself.” (Acts 10:25–26)


  • An Angel Rejected Worship: “Then I fell down at his feet (the angel’s feet) to worship him, but he said to me, “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brethren who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (Revelation 19:10).


When one of the Pharisees asked Jesus Christ what the greatest commandment was, He replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:34-37). God alone is worthy of our worship. May we be guided.




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