The Sin of Self-Murder
Reflection: 1 Corinthians 10:13, Ecclesiastes 9:4
Suicide (except in cases where it happened as a result of a severe mental health challenge) is Premeditated Murder, and not an option for any child of God (Exodus 20:13). Suicide is the deliberate and unlawful murder of a unique creature of God. Committing suicide does not put a matter to rest - it is considered a wilful sin.
There is no justification for wilful sin. A person who committed suicide will be liable for the sin of murder, except they were not aware of what they were doing – as may have been the case for those who had a severe mental illness. It will not matter if the person was born-again when the sin was committed – they are still accountable, for the reason that they did not make it right with God before they died. The Blood of Jesus Christ surely covers all manner of sin; however relational forgiveness (i.e. forgiveness after a person becomes born-again, and they are said to have a relationship with God) is dependent on the admission and confession of sins (1 John 1:9) – an opportunity that a person who committed suicide did not have. It would be a different matter if a person committed murder and had the opportunity to make it right with God since they are alive, as the case was for King David, in the Bible.
If we try to find a loophole to justify committing suicide, just to view it as a misdeed that God will pat us on the back for, then we are showing the ability to know right from wrong. He will hold us accountable. Suicide is not an option for a follower of Christ. As long as there is life, there is hope (Ecclesiastes 9:4). Wait patiently on the Lord, beloved (Psalm 27:14). Don’t give up on Him. Whatever you are going through shall pass (1 Corinthians 10:13).
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