Ungodly Associations
Reflection: 2 Corinthians 6:14-16
Evil companionships corrupt good morals (1 Corinthians 15:33). Adam and Eve accepted counsel from satan. In the end, they did exactly what satan did - they wanted to be like God. With time, we imitate the characteristics of a role model, mentor, counsellor, and those we associate with. We imbibe their moral principles and conform to their standards. This is why a person who desires to please God should be wary of spending time with the ungodly.
It is not prideful for a person in Christ to choose their friends and associates with caution (2 Corinthians 6:15). We are commanded to do away with the works of darkness, and walk as children of light (Ephesians 5:8-10). As you already know, the works of darkness include, Sexual Immorality, Idolatry, Witchcraft, Hatred, Variance, Jealousy, Wrath, Strife, Seditions, Heresies, Contention, Murder, Drunkenness (Galatians 5:19-21), and more. Those who partake in them are called Workers of Iniquity. Frankly, no unbelieving family, friend, or associate of yours is capable of totally rejecting what is unacceptable to God, unless they are willing to turn from their sinful ways and surrender to Jesus Christ. You are just not of the same breed, spiritually.
We must be wary of ungodly relationships and support, just as the Bible teaches. Guard against seeking the counsel of the ungodly, executing their plans, and making decisions that conform to their views (Psalm 1:1-6). The only reason a believer may find it necessary to relate with the ungodly, is to lead them to Christ. If that purpose seems unachievable, we are to simply move on with no ill-feelings and continue to pray for the salvation of their souls. We are not to hang on to them, else we run the risk of craving and ultimately conforming to their way of life.
Rest assured, God’s commands and standards are for our own good, beloved. Save yourself undue pain and misery, and live by them.